
When your pet seems well, it can be tempting to skip that upcoming trip to the vet. Maybe you should just wait until he or she is sick and just reschedule it then. The problem is, even if your pet appears to be perfectly healthy, there may be something developing below the surface that, if not caught early and addressed right away, could potentially impact the length and quality of your pet’s life. Responsible pet ownership is about more than simply treating your animal companion when they are sick or injured. It’s about taking the appropriate measures to prevent that illness or injury from occurring in the first place. The best way to accomplish this goal is to make a commitment to ongoing wellness care.

At Kalona Veterinary Clinic, we place a strong emphasis on wellness and preventative care and recommend that you bring your pet in for a checkup at least once a year. Our comprehensive wellness care services are specifically designed to address your pet’s unique needs, each and every time they come in. For instance, while your puppy’s wellness care will focus on vaccinations and nutrition, when he or she becomes an adult, that care may shift more toward disease prevention and weight control. Likewise, the wellness care your senior pet receives will target health screenings, disease management and specialized geriatric care to help them live as happy and comfortably as possible. We want to deliver care that is as precise and effective as possible to provide your pet with the best chance at enjoying a long, healthy life.

Wellness visits at Kalona Veterinary Clinic include thorough physical examinations, customized vaccination plans, parasite control, nutrition and weight management, behavioral counseling and whatever else you or our doctors deem important in managing your companion’s ongoing good health. We’ll ask you questions about your pet’s lifestyle and habits, and answer any questions or discuss any concerns you may have about your pet. Our goal is to arm you with the education, tools and support you need to provide your pet with the best possible care throughout his or her lifetime.

One of the most important components of wellness care is the opportunity these visits present to us for early detection of disease. Animals are often able to mask the signs of illness for long periods of time, allowing the underlying disease to progress undetected. When we can examine your animal regularly, we are better able to identify the signs of potential medical concerns as they occur, so they can be addressed right away. Not only does this early detection improve the chances of a positive outcome for your pet, but it also saves you money over time.

Don’t wait until your pet becomes sick to make an appointment with us! Give them the gift of wellness and let us get them on the path to a lifetime of good health.